Thursday, October 21, 2010

Saying goodbye

This past Sunday, we said our good-byes to the Thatcher family. Nancy and the children will be here for a little while longer as they wait on the sale of their home. Scott begins work this next week. Keep him in your prayers, as he is there in Minnesota starting a new job without his family.

While it is difficult to see such good people like them leave our congregation, we know that God is in control of everything. I am sure that God has great plans for Scott and Nancy in whatever church He places them. They have been such a tremendous blessing to us, and to myself especially.

Scott is a man of great character and solid integrity. When I think about his contribution to Crossroads and to my ministry here, I am reminded of a story from the book of Exodus, the seventeenth chapter. Moses was growing tired as he held up his staff which provided the means for the Israelites to overcome the Amalekites. When his arms dropped, the Israelites started to lose the battle. Aaron and Hur stepped in and held up Moses’ arms so that victory was given to God’s people that day.

I feel that Scott Thatcher, along with Dave Nordhielm, did this for me during a very difficult time here at Crossroads. Scott was a consistent source of strength and encouragement, both as an elder and as a friend. There are not many men who would stand up for what is right when the pressure is on. He did and our congregation is the better for it.

His wife, Nancy, has also been a blessing as well. She possesses a spirit of grace and wisdom that has lifted me more times than I can remember. When I would be feeling discouraged, Nancy would come along with a smile and a simple word of encouragement about how she was touched by my preaching. It made me realize that God works in ways that I often do not see.

Finally, we all need to remember that it is God who builds the church and He “has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be” (1 Corinthians 12:18). Just as He has a plan in moving the Thatchers, He has one for those whom He will move into our community and our congregation. Let us not forget that there are really no “good-byes” in Christ. We are friends and family forever!

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