Thursday, May 22, 2008

Balancing the Focus...carefully.....

One of the greatest challenges in leading a congregation is balancing the focus. I am currently reading a book entitled, "7 Practices of Effective Ministry". It talks a lot about how churches walk a fine line between discipling their members, and reaching out to those outside the church. We want to be effective in both arenas, but there is always a tension that exists.

What is sometimes missing in the equation is honest input from the congregation. As a leader, I try to listen to what people are saying and what they think is important. Often times the only thing I hear is complaints about the church, our services, and the direction we are going. I learned a long time ago that you cannot please everyone. It is not my intention to make everyone happy. I would like to know what people think, whether or not they understand the "what" and "why" of the things we do.

For example, we have initiated having two distinctly different worship services: Patterns and Innovations. The goal has been to provide both members and guests a clear choice. Patterns is a traditional service designed to honor worship tradition that we all have enjoyed. Innovations is a contemporary service designed as a venue for newer, more modern worship. Each has it's own audience. Judging by attendance, many people have enjoyed the Patterns service. First service attendance is up.

What do you think about the two services and their formats?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Being a Proud Parent!

I have often said that my decision to get married was a easy one. Others have told me that I made a much better choice than MaryAnne did, and I tend to agree with them. She has been such a blessing to my life that I cannot even begin to describe it.

However the decision to have children was much more difficult. As some of you know, I am one of six children. In growing up in a big family, I saw all the difficulties in being a parent. I was not able to have the relationship with my dad that I want because he was always so busy working to keep us feed, clothed, and housed.

When we talked about children, MaryAnne and I had agreed on limiting the number to only two. Well, as least, I thought she agreed. We have three great kids, and I love each of them very much. I hope I have told them that often enough.

Recently my wife and I attended my second son's (Miles) graduation from Johnson Bible College with a bachelors degree in Media and Bible . I am very proud of him and what he has done in his life. Going to college and finishing school is an important step in his life. While he does not yet have a handle on what exactly he wants to do, he does have a good foundation of knowledge that will serve him whatever he does. I am sure that God has great plans for his life.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

CrossKids Daycare Ministry

One of our greatest, growth generating ministries here at Crossroads has been our daycare ministry. Since it was started over five years ago, it has been instrumental in bringing a steady stream of new families into our congregation. While I may be accused of a little bias because my wife, MaryAnne, is the director, the fact of the matter is that this quality program has been a tremendous asset both to us as a congregation, and even more to the parents it serves.

Some of you new folks might not even be aware that we have a daycare here at the church. It operates Monday through Friday, from 6:30am to 6pm, all year long. We offer full time care to children for a monthly rate of $340.00. This is one of the lowest rates in the community for a program that includes preschool instruction. The daycare accepts children who are three years old and potty trained through kindergarten. It also has a before and after school program for school age children up to fifth grade.

Our daycare ministry is truly a ministry. Our tuition rates are kept very low so that we can help working families afford quality childcare. However our mission is to reach them with the love of God and saving grace of Jesus Christ. If you have time, stop by for a visit, and see the difference the church is making in these families. Even better, you can offer to volunteer some time to help. An extra set of hands in always appreciated. Contact MaryAnne Duff if you have an interest.

Thursday, May 15th, at 7pm, CrossKids will be holding the graduation program. This is where the older children are "graduated" out to kindergarten. You are welcome to attend the program, and show your support for MaryAnne and her teachers.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Back From Graduation...

Well, we are finally home for awhile. It seems like we have been gone forever, but in reality we have just missed a couple of Sundays. It was great to see Miles graduate from Johnson with all of his friends. His immediate plans are to move in with his brother and find a job.

May is already shaping up to be a very busy month. With Dave and Dawn leaving us, and Tyler and Torie coming, we have a lot to do. We are finalizing programs and schedules for the summer. For the first time, since coming to Crossroads, I have been asked to work in camp. I hope I have not lost my touch. I will be a team coach, teacher, and campfire speaker for 3rd and 4th graders, June 22nd-24th.