Thursday, June 26, 2008

Memories of Church Camp!

As most of you know, I worked a partial week of church camp at Hanging Rock. I am still recovering from my two and half days of working with the kids. I have not work in camp for almost ten years. I forgot how tiring it all can be. It was great to see children from our church involved. You need to congratulate Emma Thatcher for being the most valuable girl on her team at camp.

I am sorry that I have not been posting lately. Things have gotten really, really busy this summer. In fact, I am right now preparing to leave next week for the North American Christian Convention in Cincinnati. It is a great time to renew friendships and build new ones. I also enjoy the awesome worship services they have.

This does not mean that I am not enjoying our services. Tyler has been doing a tremendous job since starting June first. I can already see a difference in our services. We are blessed to have him here working with our congregation. I encourage you to offer him your help. He has a TWO very important ministries to manage, Worship and Student. I know he needs all the assistance he can get.

In closing, I have noticed that attendance has been down in the month of June. This is understandable because people travel on the weekends to enjoy the nice weather. However you need to be careful that you don't get "out of the habit" of being in church. Spirituality is as much a habit as anything else in our lives. Please make every effort to be in church during these summer months. Remember, also, that our expenses continue even when you are not there. Your faithfulness in giving regularly is how we are able to minister to each other and to our community.

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