As we approach the congregational meeting the leadership team has received some thoughtful questions and comments that we feel need to be addressed. We appreciate those who have raised these questions because there may be others with the same questions. We want everyone to have a full and complete understanding of our intentions.
Some have expressed a concern that the wording used in regards the term of office for elders is unclear. They believe it could be interpreted to limit elders to serving only six (6) years total. Respectfully, that would be a misinterpretation of the restriction. It clearly states “consecutive terms”. No limit is placed on the number of terms, only on the number consecutive terms.
It is the leadership team’s responsibility to recruit and nominate elders, if they did not want a person to serve, for whatever reason, they simply would not nominate that person. They would also not allow any individual to improperly use this restriction against anyone else. The provision is quite clear as written. It prevents an elder from serving more than two (2) consecutive terms. It does not limit the number of non-consecutive terms in anyway.
Another question was asked about staggering the terms of elders. This is a good idea and will occur without any added provisions. If approved, those elected next year will be one (1) year staggered from the current elders. Each year, as new elders are added, their terms will be staggered as well. In six (6) years, only the two (2) current elders would be prevented from serving another consecutive term. After a year off, they could be elected again to serve.
In regards to the addition of the positions of Treasurer and Financial Secretary to the constitution and by-laws, there have been some questions. First, it must be understood that the current constitution and by-laws contains NO PROVISIONS regarding how the church finances must be handled. The leadership, under the ministry team structure, created the Stewardship team as a means of handling the finances. When using the team approach to managing the finances proved to be ineffective, the leadership instituted the Treasurer and Financial Secretary positions. This change has successfully improved our financial management and accountability. This is why the leadership team decided to include this significant change in the constitution and by-laws.
Finally, the question was asked about how these recommended changes were developed. In the past, we have put together a team of people to review the constitution and by-laws for changes. That was not done in this situation because we were only making a few changes, and most are minor changes. We are planning however in the coming year to put together a team of individuals to totally review of the constitution and by-laws. If you would be interested in serving on such a team, please contact one of the members of the leadership team.
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