On Sunday, August 30th, we will be having our annual congregational meeting. A lot has transpired since last year’s meeting. We have lost some folks and we have gained some folks. All in all though, we are doing well as a church. In the meeting, we will be considering some changes to our Constitution and By-laws, as well as approved leaders and coaches for the coming year. The changes range from a simple change in terminology to a more significant change in the office of elder. It is important that you understand why these are being recommended for your consideration.
The first change is simply substituting the word “coordinator” for the current term we use of “coach.” This is more than just a cosmetic change. Our ministry team structure relies upon men and women to serve as deacons and deaconesses over specific areas of ministry. Originally, we chose the word “coach” because it was descriptive of what we thought their work would entail. However, we have discovered that the role is more coordinating existing ministries than coaching individuals in a specific ministry.
To that end we wanted to make this change to bring some consistency to our ministry structure. When a person is in charge of a specific ministry or event, they are called a “director.” For example, we have a VBS director. Their responsibility is solely for Vacation Bible School. We also have a nursery director whose responsibility is specifically over the nursery ministry. What is needed is not someone to coach them, but an individual to coordinate their ministries with all the other children’s ministries at Crossroads. This is why we want to make the change. A coordinator will coordinate similar ministries for greater effectiveness.
Another change we have proposed is the addition of the two (2) newly created positions of Treasurer and Financial Secretary. This division of labor has worked as planned in providing better financial accountability while not overburdening a single individual. These are positions that are vital to our new stewardship strategy. We want them to continue to be a part our congregational structure.
The final change proposed is to the length of time an elder serves. In the past, elders have been elected for single-year terms, and could be elected continuously with no limit. Given the importance of the eldership to the future success of the church, we decided that we wanted to increase the length of time they serve, but limit each elder to six (6) years of continuous service. They then would have to sit out for one (1) year before being elected again.
There are several reasons for this change. The first is that it creates consistency in the eldership. Single-year terms open up the possibility of several new elders coming on board at one time without enough seasoned elders to support them. With the three (3) year term, you would have only a few elders being elected each year. This would prevent any radical shifts in leadership.
The second reason is that by having a mandatory "sabbatical," we prevent elders from getting burnout and out of touch with members of the congregation. Oftentimes, leadership can only see the church from a leadership perspective. By taking time away from leadership, an elder can often get a fresh perspective and return better able to serve.
These changes are designed to help make Crossroads a better church. They will not be the last changes, however. As we go forward, I am sure there will be other ideas for improving our structure, as well.
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