Saturday, July 24, 2010

Where have all the Elders gone?

This past Sunday, the men of the congregation had another meeting in regards to the future leadership of Crossroads. As most of you know, we have been operating for the last six (6) months with a management team. Under their leadership, we have done very well as a congregation. We continue to grow in number. Our finances are very stable, and we are currently on track to make our budget for the first time in a decade. These men have done well serving in this capacity.

The topic of discussion, however, was our need to return to being led by a Biblical eldership. With the economic upheaval and our constantly transitioning community, maintaining a willing, qualified body of elders has been difficult. Combine that with leading a growing congregation in these challenging times, and you have even more difficulty finding willing men desiring the position of overseer.

I attended a seminar at the North American Christian Convention called, “Leading Beyond Today”. It was given by Dr. Don Wilson, from Phoenix, Arizona. He said so many great things, but one item that stuck with me was the need for great leadership in the church. He made the point that churches struggle because they have the wrong leaders. He said the means you use to choose your elders is extremely important. If you use politics to pick them, he said, they will be political elders, not leaders.

There is no question that Crossroads needs to have a strong eldership if we are to grow as a congregation. We are committed to having Scriptural elders, but not at the expense of having good leaders as well. We are praying not only for godly men who desire to serve God in this way, but men with a teachable heart and a commitment to the vision and mission of Crossroads. Please join us in prayer for God to speak to those whom He is leading to become a part of those who will lead us.

See You Sunday,

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