Since it was announced that we would be hosting a fundraising wrestling show for the summer mission trip, there have been a lot of questions raised about it. In order to save time answering questions over and over, I want to address some of the concerns that have been raised.
Why a "wrestling show"?
Most of you know who Guy Louks is. He shared a testimony during our reunited service. What you might not know is that he has been involved in professional wrestling for many years both as a wrestler and as a promoter. He approached me with the idea of doing a show as a fundraising event for the church. Since we do not fundraising for the church, I suggested doing the event to support those going on the summer mission trip.
Is this appropriate?
While I grant you, it is out of the ordinary, there is nothing inappropriate about the event. Guy Louks and his guys have done events like this for other churches and for charities in our community. He has assured me that the show will be very family-friendly and will not cause the church any embarrassment. A wrestling show may not be your favorite form of entertainment. However, many in our community enjoy it and some of our members are involved in it.
This would not be the first time we have used our facilities for programs or events other than worship services. We have had garage sales, movie nights, and New Years Eve parties that have utilized our buildings. Some might have consider those "outside the box", but we have done them successfully and with great results.
What are the financial arrangements?
First, let me say that there is absolutely no cost for this event to the church itself other than providing the location. The proceeds of the ticket sales are to be evenly split between the wrestling company and the summer mission trip. Those who are committed to going on the trip will provide a concession with hotdogs and such. All proceeds from the concession go for the trip as well.
What risks or liability does the church have?
None at all! Guy has done these shows for years in all types of venues. He carries all the appropriate insurances on his wrestlers and his events. The ring he uses is designed with pads that lift it off the floor to prevent any possibility damage.
What are the benefits?
There are several benefits to hosting the event at Crossroads.
1) It provides an outreach to a part of our community that might never even know that our church exists.
2) It provides free advertising for our church in the community even to those who do not attend the event.
3) It provides a means of raising support for our mission trip without asking for funds from the congregation.
4) It allows members of our congregation to use their talents and abilities to help support the mission trip.
5) It gives those going on the mission trip an opportunity to work for the support they receive for the trip.
What's the downside?
The only potential downside is that some might not like the idea of having such an event in the building and in the auditorium. I understand their concerns, and do consider them as having some validity. The question from my prospective is simply this. With all positive benefits of hosting the event, is anyone really harmed if we do it? On the other hand, if we don't take advantage of the opportunity, there may very well be people who might not ever come to Jesus Christ otherwise. Of course, no one knows for sure, but I think the possibility exists.
While you might not attend the event, should not the possibility of reaching just one lost person through it make as least worth attempting?
I don't think you really have a full appreciation of the real "downside" that will happen as you continue to try to make common things holy.
Honestly, I am not sure what you mean by making "common thing holy". That is not what we are attempting to do at all. We are attempting to reach lost people with the gospel. This event will be the first step in that process.
What do you see as the "downside"?
becoming like the world to reach the world. you will not find that one in scripture. ><+>
Respectfully, you are assuming that hosting the event is "becoming like the world". I would submit that you have made an incorrect assumption. As of a Scripture, I would direct your attention to the apostle Paul's words, "I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some" (1 Corinthians 9:22). Of course, we know that Paul is not endorsing anything and everything as a means of reaching the lost. However, unless something is unethical, immoral, and specifically opposed in Scripture, I would not rule it out as an avenue to connect with those who we are called to preach Christ.
A few passages later Paul also says:
23"Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive. 24Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.
31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— 33even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
Brother Mike, I'm afraid that you may cause stumbling...Not by me, as I am sound in my faith and knowledge of our Lord...but by new believers, or by those whom God has drawn but may not as of yet responded.
Our responsiblity to the unbelieving world is to preach the word of God. God doesn't need gimmicks. It is by hearing the word of God that people will be saved. Our job is not to draw people in...God says that he will do that on His own. John 6:44,
"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day." Paul went around preaching word of God. People heard and responded. Paul didn't need to have tricks to get people to listen. God drew them to Himself.
Man of God,
I believe I am going to need a little more than "I'm afraid that you may cause stumbling". Who exactly do you think is going to stumble in this situation? Those who are attending this event are, for the most part, not believers. They are attending the event because they enjoy this kind of entertainment.
No believer I know is being forced to attend the end. Nothing about the event is immoral, illegal, or unethical. It may be unorthodox, but that should not cause anyone to stumble.
Respectfully, I know what my responsibility is to the unbelieving world. This is not a gimmick or a trick. This is an opportunity to begin a relationship through which the gospel can be communicated.
Your strategy for reaching the lost may simply be to preach a sermon and hope that the lost are there to hear it. My strategy is to pursue the lost and build a relationship with them. Relationships are the best bridges for communicating the gospel.
Preacher Mike,
Non-Believers see the actions of the church. This is how they judge whether or not they want to be a part of it. How would it look at a church picnic, if there was a keg of beer available right next to the lemonade. This too would not be, "immoral, illegal, or unethical." But Non-Believers wouldn't see a Christian with the Holy Spirit residing in them as being any different then themselves. It looks just as bad when the divorce rate in the church equals that of the unchurched.
Brothers & Sisters...We need to begin to act differently than the world!
My humble opinion is that you won't have much of an opportunity to establish a relationship with these folks at an event such as this.
However, a good strategy might be to get into the wrestling ring yourself, defeat all the "bad guys" as the "Christian Crusader", then have a picture and autograph session afterward so that you could meet more people.
Preacher Mike -- I would encourage you to simply live your live in accordance to the Scriptures (not implying in ANY way that you currently are not) such a way, that the unchurched who you come into contact with every day want to have what it is that you have. If you, and all the members of church body, did that, then you would have Non-Believers flocking to your doors just the way Paul did.
Man of God,
I agree that "Non-Believers see the actions of the church", and that "This is how they judge whether or not they want to be a part of it". The problem is that nothing about hosting this event would be detrimental to how these people would see the church. The event is simply being hosted by the church for the group going on the mission trip. Nothing about the event contradicts what the church stands for. It is mere entertainment.
Your example is vastly different. First, a church picnic is a CHURCH EVENT that members are encouraged to attend. Second, having "a keg of beer available" would be clearly immoral, illegal, and unethical. We would be encouraging our members to do something that would be harmful to the image of the church and possibly to the individuals involved.
You are quite correct that we want the lost to see Christians "with the Holy Spirit residing in them" as being different from themselves. This requires a change of heart, not simply acting differently "than the world". It means that we take a risk in loving and accepting them where they are instead of demanding that they come to us. You are entitled to your opinion about this event. However, if hosting the event results in just one individual coming to Christ, I am willing to make the effort.
Respectfully, I have been growing congregations for over thirty (30) years, and have a good understanding of how to develop a solid outreach strategy. I also know my own limitations. The event is primarily a fundraising event, not an outreach event. I will have some time on microphone to welcome everyone and offer an invitation to check out the church sometime, I believe I will leave the wrestling to the professionals.
Your encouragement is much appreciated. I try my very best to live as Jesus would want me to live and do intentionally seek to build relationships with the lost as do many of our members. However, the fact remains, not every Christian will do this. My prayer for this event is that it will facilitate relationships between those who attend and participate with the members of our congregation who will be working the concession and helping out. I will allow God to work through His sovereignty to bring the right people together at the right time to share the gospel.
I am very saddened to see that people continue to hammer away and question the integrity of our church over whether or not a wrestling fundraiser is appropriate in a church building. I am also suprised that more people haven't made comments in support of this event. It would be interesting to me to hear why wrestling is ACTUALLY inappropriate in church. Why are garage sales, chili dinners, car washes, New Years Eve parties, movie nights, etc. OK but not wrestling? Admittedly it is a little unorthodox, but those aforementioned events aren't sacred or holy in nature, they are social or fundraising opportunities just like the wrestling. So is the wrestling itself so unholy? Do you think God disapproves of wrestling? Check out Genesis 32:24-32. God wrestles Jacob. I feel like people are missing the point purposely or accidentally so I called attention to it. This is a family friendly event meant to be a social AND a fund-raising activity that will perhaps give us the means to come into relationship with some people we wouldn't ordinarily expect in church. It certainly isn't the same as bringing a beer keg to a church picnic, and I don't think wrestling is anymore worldly than any of the other events I brought up.
Just lighten up people, and enjoy the show already! If it offends you don't come to it!
People just lighten up, and enjoy the show already! If it offends you, don't attend it!
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