Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Deeper Look

When the decision was made to return to a single service format, there were many reasons to do so. One of the biggest reasons was to provide the ability to return to having a Sunday school hour. With our two service format, we were limited in terms of classroom space for adult classes. Since returning to a single service, we have re-launched a full hour of Sunday school called "Deeper Look".

We have seen the number of people coming to Sunday school grow each week. We have three (3) adult classes along with classes for high school, middle school and younger. The women's class is already filling the classroom where it meets. My class has already been discussing some very interesting topics as we study Romans. Mike Dunn and Jerry Mathews are continuing their class on the minor prophets of the Old Testament.

Something else NEW at Crossroads is our congregational forum coming up March 6th at 7pm. This is the first of, what we hope to be many, such forums where members can discuss concerns and questions with the leadership team. We will also use this time to communicate with our plans for the future as well as the current condition of the church. Please make an effort to attend the forum.

Here are the guidelines for the forum:

1. Those who have questions for the leadership should provide those questions prior to the meeting so that we can have an opportunity to provide full and accurate answers.

2. Those who wish to speak at the meeting will need to let the leadership team know in advance so that we can keep the meeting to a reasonable length of time.

3. Those who speak need to talk about positive solutions as well as problems and concerns.

4. Comments and discussion must be focused on the topic, and should not be personal in nature, but respectful of others and their views as well.

5. The meeting will be limited to discuss only. There will be no debating, negotiating, problem-solving, or decisions made.

6. The moderator will control the length of discussion on any single topic, and will change the subject when all points of view have been heard.

7. The meeting will begin on time and will end on time. We will have other such meetings and other opportunities for congregational input. The meeting will be limited to ninety (90) minutes so that members can arrange for appropriate childcare and return home at a reasonable hour.

You might be asking, "Why have guidelines?" The answer is that we want the forum to be both positive and productive. As a Leadership team, we want to give members the opportunity to provide input and feedback to us on the church and future plans.

Finally, I am going to be writing a new blog post every week from now on and I would like to invite you to send me your questions or subject you would like me to address. In this way, we can continue the discussion and communication within our congregation.

In Christ,

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