First, let me apologize for my lack of blogging lately. I have been really busy. However, I need to become more disciplined in doing this every week. I think the conversations can be helpful in working through our own thoughts and ideas.
Recently, I have been working with the ministry coordinators on developing a new set of core values for the church. It is not that our current core values are bad, but I don’t feel they are truly reflective of where we are today.
The struggle comes when you attempt to put into words the values we share as a congregation. Not only that, but then you need to prioritize the values as well. Some might question the need for having these defined, but repeatedly I find that many of the discussions that members have are over core values. This is because core values answer the question, “Why do we do what we do?” In his book Church Unique, Will Mancini defines core values as “convictions that guide decision-making and reveal the strengths of the church.”
During the Sunday school hour, I gave my class a list of some of those values I have been working through in my own thinking. I want to share them with you and see what you think.
We believe in:
• The sovereign control of our Lord God
• The absolute authority of the Word of God
• The supreme value of every individual soul
• The infinite grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ
• The transforming power of the Holy Spirit
So tell me what you think of them and why you think that. Which of these values should be placed first above all the others? Remember, while these are based on Scriptures, they are not really intended to be doctrinal statements.